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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Facts about Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a carbon-based synthetic compound with the chemical formula (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)which belongs to the group of diphenylmethane derivatives and bisphenols, with two hydroxyphenyl groups. BPA is soluble in organic solvent but it is insoluble or poorly-soluble in water. It is a chemical substance that has been used to harden plastics for more than 40 years as BPA-based plastic product is clear and tough. Nowadays, when can see it everywhere from consumer goods to medical devices. For instance, water bottles, lining of canned foods and drinks and sports equipment.

In 2010, the issue of possible health risks of the Bisphenol A (BPA) became the headlines of media. In 2009, the United State Food and Drug Administration used to report that BPA was safe. However, the agency altered its stand in the year of 2010. They claimed that there are potential effects of BPA on the brain, behaviour and prostate glands in fetuses, infants, young children and adults. After the heated debate of this issues, the public authorities set BPA safety levels for those plastic manufacturers but many experts still believe these levels should be reviewed after certain studies were conducted.

So, how scientists say BPA could affecting our bodies?

  • Eroding teeth
    • In 2013, French researchers reported their result of studies which shown that the teeth of rats treated with low daily doses of BPA could be damaging tooth enamel. 
    • By analyzing the characteristics of damage, they showed that the damages occurred to the tooth enamel of rats are common with a recently identified pathology of tooth enamel that affects about 18 percent of children with range of age at 6 to 8. These results have been reported in the American Journal of Pathology.
  • Causing heart disease
    • A 2011 animal study published in the journal PLOS One found BPA overrode the female body's natural heartbeat signaling, causing arrhythmia—erratic beating that could cause sudden cardiac death.
    • The scientists of University of Cincinnati found that BPA can cause heart disease in women and adults
    • People with higher levels of BPA in their urine are more likely to have heart disease than their counterparts.

  • BPA is an endocrine distruptor
    • It is an chemical that may interfere with the body's endocrine system and causes adverse developmental, neurological and immune effects in humans.
    • Hormones have many modes of action which include the ability to initiate or suppress gene transcription and BPA interfere with those genetic-level processes which leave a great impact on fetuses and infants that have most vulnerability to the effect of BPA.
    • This may leave the negative effect on the development of brains and distruption on gene regulation.

  • Affecting the reproductive system
    • BPA causes the distruption of developmental progression of reproductive system that permanently alter the organization of sexually dimrphic neuroendocrine circuits in the brain, timing of puberty, development of sex-typical behaviors and most importantly the capacity to reproduce.
    • For male, rates of testicular cancer appear to be increasing whereas the sperm counts are decreasing. An analysis of about 100 research studies concluded that sperm counts in United States and Europe have a sharp declined of 50% over the past 50 years due to the exposure of BPA.
    • For female, female fecundity is declining and the effects on oocyte quality and ovarian function in women is slightly affected. Carlifonian researchers found that exposure to BPA did affect the quality of woman's egg which causes higher risk of infertility and poor ovarian response.

We should protect ourselves by avoiding the BPA EXPOSURE, and here are some suggestions for you:

  • Use food-grade stainless steel or glass container instead of using plastic food and drinks container.
  • Store trivial receipts in an envelope and not in your wallet or purse to prevent frequent contact with the paper through your skin.
  • Avoid microwaving food in plastic containers and do not use harsh detergents to clean a plastic container.
  • Option for fresh vegetables and food instead of the canned one.
  • Always be skeptical of BPA-free claims

Hope these information will be helpful for you! 

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